European Commission has launched the European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT), which will work, within the Joint Research Centre (JRC), as a one-of-a-kind scientific service to support the enforcement of the Digital Services Act (DSA).


ECAT will provide scientific and technical advice in the field of algorithmic systems, improving our understanding of how algorithms work: researchers will analyse transparency, assess risks, and propose new approaches and best practices to be at the forefront  in this emerging field. It will support the Commission in its new supervisory role towards Very Large On-line Platforms and Very-Large Search Engines, as established by the DSA.

To set-up the Centre, the JRC has just launched a recruiting campaign that will be open until 9/1/2023. We are recruiting 14 contract agents (temporary contracts of a maximum of 6 years) for the following profiles:


Research, Investigations, Communication and community management, Legal, Security


Additionally, we are also offering 6 positions of Seconded National Experts (that should be civil servants in any of the EU Member States) in the field of research and investigations.


Details on the profiles, offered positions, how to apply and job conditions can be found in the “Work with ECAT” section of the website.

 Looking for EU nationals, with experience in digital platforms, digital economy, Artificial Intelligence, data science, big data, algorithmic transparency and monitoring and with a multidisciplinary perspective.